
How to Cook White Dal Mash (Namkeen)

Making white lentils non spicy with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, whole spices and homemade organic butter. Taking no more than 21 minutes.

Cooked Pulses/ White Lentils

  • White Lentils (daal mash)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Clarified Butter/ Desi Ghee
  • Black peppercorns
  • Cloves
  • Ginger and Garlic
  • Onion
  • Green chilies
  • Ground white cumin
  • Natural Salt
  • Ground black & White pepper
  • Mint and Coriander leaves
  • Vinegar

Start by Boiling

Start by boiling 250 g of soaked white lentils in water with some salt and set aside. (Make sure to remove the foam from top when boiling and strain, and do not fully boil the lentils).

Preparing Sauce

In an adequate pan placed on heat take 50 g of desi ghee (Clarified Butter), around 21 ml of extra virgin olive oil.

Then add 5 cloves and black peppercorns, one small chopped onion, 4 g of ground white cumin, mix and saute for a couple of minutes and until light or golden brown.

Next add 15 g of fresh crushed garlic and ginger, some green chilies, some chopped bell pepper, 7 g of julienne d ginger, 34 g of fresh coriander leaves and mix.

Now add 5 g ground white pepper, mix and 5 g of salt, 3 g of ground black pepper, and mix. Let it simmer for a minute or until the oil separates.


Thereafter, add the nearly boiled white lentils into the mixture and add around 40 ml of extra virgin olive oil, some mint and coriander leaves; (Optional: 40 g of organic butter and 140 g of plain yogurt as desired), and mix.

After that, cover and simmer for a minute or 2. Some water can be added if it appears that the lentils needs to be cooked further, so as to avoid burn (be careful with the quantity of water added). Fresh dairy cream can also be added at the end.


Finally, add 4 ml of apple cider vinegar, julienne d ginger, chopped green chilies, drizzle some extra virgin olive oil, desired lemon juice and serve with naan or flatbread (paratha), in addition to yogurt and mint sauce.
