
Simple & Easy Chia/ Basil Seeds Milk Pudding: 3 Steps

Making Basil seeds milk pudding with simple and natural ingredients, such as basil seeds, milk, small amount of honey and some fresh fruits.
Basil Milk Pudding
  • Basil (Tukhm Malanga) or Chia seeds (Tukhm-e-sharbati)
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Fruits and Nuts
  1. Simply couple some 29 g of basil or chia seeds (as desired), with 130 ml of cow whole milk or almond milk (or condensed milk for higher viscosity and creaminess); then add 5 ml of organic honey and mix to combine. After that, transfer to a desired glass (Basil seeds swell and become viscous as they absorb water).
  2. Then place the mixture in the fridge to cool and thicken, possibly for a few hours or overnight.
  3. Thereafter, serve with fresh fruits and nuts.

Or possibly with some peanut butter, strawberry puree, milk cream, cream cheese, coconut milk or even dark chocolate or cocoa powder as desired (do nut put all at once, keep it simple).